Clemster's Playground

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

DS Wireless Joy

So I finally got to experience Nintendo DS gaming at its fullest. My buddy Scott is back in town for two weeks so last night we spent some time playing our DSes together.

Did I ever mention how brilliant Nintendo is? First off the DS comes with wireless capabilities built right in. So starting up a multiplayer game with anywhere from 2 or 16 people in a room is incredibly easy - there aren't any settings required at all. Someone doesn't own the game you want to play? No problem - you can download enough of the game to get you up and playing with everyone else. Technically speaking you only need one cartridge is needed for most games, but sometimes that means some features are unavailable - such as choosing from different characters in Mario Kart.

We tried the multiplayer for all our games, but Tetris stuck out as being the most fun. We could have played that for hours. You can include items in the game play which acts as power-ups to either help you out or screw your oppenent up. I think my favorite is the banana power-up that reorganizes your opponents' Tetriminos already in play. So any setups they might have been working on are gone.

Brain Age only has one form of multiplayer - Calculations x30. It's simply a race to complete 30 simple math calculations quicker than the other guy. We were amazed how much fun it was despite the fact that we were doing math. I got my Brain Age down to 25 now btw. I'm scared to test again and ruin the result. Heh heh.

I also picked up a present for Brady's 1st birthday on Saturday. It's a cute little stuffed puppy that is interactive to help him learn body parts and colours.

Laugh and Learn Puppy



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