Clemster's Playground

Monday, September 20, 2004

Feeling a Little Lost

Remember how I was getting all excited about all my University friends coming back now that the summer is over? Well they are all back now and things aren't as peachy as I imagined they would be. I just don't feel like I fit in with them anymore. It's like they are part of a different culture. Or maybe it's a maturity/generational gap thing. I mean I'm 25 and most of them are hardly pushing 20. Mind you there are some of the youth at the church that I am comfortable hanging out with and they are around the same age if not younger. Maybe it's the fact that all my uni friends live in res. Maybe they are just forming a natural kind of bond/clique since they see each other every day.

I guess what makes it more obvious to me is the fact that there really isn't another group at church for me. There aren't many young adults that are done school and still single, especially other guys. I mean hanging out with a bunch of single females is great and all but the "Does she like me?" game gets tiring and frustrating when there are so many "choices".

Anywho, I should get back to work. My Star Wars DVDs shipped on Friday so it would be pretty sweet if they arrived tomorrow when they get released in stores. Those will keep me busy for a few nights. :D



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