The Joys of Scaring Oneself
Last night I had a nightmare, or at least what I would have called a nightmare when I was a kid. I don't remember much of the dream but it did involve zombies and monsters. Now it wasn't really a nightmare, but thinking about it I'm sure at the age of eight it would have been the kind of dream to make me wake up in a cold sweat. And well that definitely amuses me.
I was very much a chicken when I was young. Just thinking about a horror/slasher flick would scare me. I don't know if any of you remember the Sunday night Disney show, but one of their made for TV movies was called Mr. Boogedy. I don't remember much of it other than it would give me nightmares for days. And this was a Disney show! lol
Well I've been making up for the scare factor lately. Last night, the source of my "nightmare" was from watching 28 Days Later. I must say that it's a really well done movie. Scary? Not really, but there were definitely a couple "Don't go into that place alone you idiot!" kind of suspenseful moments. Mind you walking around a completely empty city like London would be enough to creep me out in real life.
The real scary experience for me lately has been a video game called Doom 3. Let me tell you, while a movie like 28 Days Later may not scare me, this game terrifies me sometimes. It is so intense and scary that I can only play it for about an hour at a time. After my first session of playing it in the dark, at midnight, wearing headphones, it took me a whole half hour to calm down from the adrenaline rush. The graphics and the sound really bring you into the game. It's very dark: there are lots of shadows and hardly any lights. Sometimes the only warning you get that you're being attacked is seeing the monster's glowing red eyes as they run you down in total darkness. I've given some friends demonstrations of the game and they laugh as they watch me get wound up and jump in my seat when something lunges at me from the shadows. But then I let them play and I get to laugh at them. Revenge is sweet. Mwahaha! }:D
I was very much a chicken when I was young. Just thinking about a horror/slasher flick would scare me. I don't know if any of you remember the Sunday night Disney show, but one of their made for TV movies was called Mr. Boogedy. I don't remember much of it other than it would give me nightmares for days. And this was a Disney show! lol
Well I've been making up for the scare factor lately. Last night, the source of my "nightmare" was from watching 28 Days Later. I must say that it's a really well done movie. Scary? Not really, but there were definitely a couple "Don't go into that place alone you idiot!" kind of suspenseful moments. Mind you walking around a completely empty city like London would be enough to creep me out in real life.
The real scary experience for me lately has been a video game called Doom 3. Let me tell you, while a movie like 28 Days Later may not scare me, this game terrifies me sometimes. It is so intense and scary that I can only play it for about an hour at a time. After my first session of playing it in the dark, at midnight, wearing headphones, it took me a whole half hour to calm down from the adrenaline rush. The graphics and the sound really bring you into the game. It's very dark: there are lots of shadows and hardly any lights. Sometimes the only warning you get that you're being attacked is seeing the monster's glowing red eyes as they run you down in total darkness. I've given some friends demonstrations of the game and they laugh as they watch me get wound up and jump in my seat when something lunges at me from the shadows. But then I let them play and I get to laugh at them. Revenge is sweet. Mwahaha! }:D
have you ever played murder in the dark? that can be a pretty scary game. not really, though. but sort of.
one of my friends has a problem with thinking something is going to fall off a shelf and smother her or bash her head in in her sleep. she's laid awake for hours the past few nights. i've had the same experience a few times (but less with something falling off the shelf and more with the world ending or someone coming and killing me or something).
i think it's funny that people that are in their 20's still have funny little fears like little kids do.
Jen, at 1:32 PM
sometimes I worry about things like that happening. It's not cool. :(
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM
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