Clemster's Playground

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Snow, Glorious Snow

So it snowed a lot here in the last week. Nearly a meter (3 ft) in seven days. But that wasn't over the seven days. We got half each of the last two Sundays. Plenty for it to be a snow day if only the snow arrived on Mondays instead. Oh well. Such is the life of someone living in Northern Ontario. If only the Greater City of Sudbury would get their act together and finish plowing all the streets and sidewalks. Apparently they think it's acceptable for over a foot of snow to cover a road for more than 24 hrs.

This weekend we're taking the senior high youth to Blizzard so hopefully there is plenty of snow up there. It's held at the same place as Avalanche so the program will probably be similar. There will be a different speaker and band though. The weather looks like it should be nice, if a little cold. I'm thinking I might try and bring an old hair dryer so we can dry out our mitts and boots. Keeping dry was definitely a challenge at Avalanche. The plan is to have 13 of us traveling in two mini-vans, but two of the girls might not be coming after all. That would be sad because they are the two who could most benefit from the weekend I think. My cough is finally disappearing and hopefully it stays that way despite going away this weekend.

I've started watching Season 3 of 24 this week. I'm definitely liking it more than season 2. They seemed to try too hard for the big twist ending every episode. They tried so hard it actually made it easy to guess what the twist was. The problem with the DVD boxed set is they give away things in the little DVD intro that comes before the menu. Kind of annoying that they are assuming that I already saw the show when it was aired. Since I don't watch TV on any kind of a regular basis it's been easy to avoid watching season 5. I know that I don't have to watch them in order, but it just makes more sense that way. I'll prolly have to rent season 4 until they lower the price. The other two shows I can hardly wait to come out on DVD are the second seasons of Lost and Battlestar Galactica. It's definitely been hard not to peek on the net to see what's been going on with those shows. I'm not going to link the shows cause there are always spoilers on their homepages. The ending of BSG season 1 was ruined because of that very fact. Well not ruined - it was still a phenomenal ending.



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