Clemster's Playground

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Disappointed With Work

Well the job shuffling is over here at the office and there's no position open now. One of the technicians already with the board moved up a rung to take the empty spot left by the retirement. From what I can tell he barely met the requirements for the position. Apparently he's still taking programming by correspondence. But he's already in the worker's union so they have give him a chance to prove he can do the job - something like six months. Work politics can be really frustrating especially if you're on the outside.

So yeah, I'm disappointed that I wasn't given a chance. And as I walk around the office I see him getting trained and hear the project I'm working on being mentioned. *sigh* I really didn't think this would bother me, but it is. I'm really starting to think I won't be getting a permanent job here. They just don't seem to have the money for programmers. There will be an opportunity to replace him as a technician but do I want to move from being a code monkey down to a screwdriver head? Do I apply, using this as a chance at getting my foot into the union and hope for a programmer position to move up into later?

I just want to go home and crawl into bed, but I still have an hour and a half to go. Usually sleep works best when I get depressed like this. Oh and my pay check will be late because finance is taking their time getting me a new PO number to charge my invoices to. My boss is pretty frustrated with them cause if it were the other way around they'd literally be yelling at us to hurry up and help them.


I'd better stop now cause I'm starting to get bitter.



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