Missed an Important Appointment
Bah! I feel like an idiot right now. My mom just asked me at the dinner table how my appointment went today. I totally forgot to go to my appointment at 4:30pm with my specialist cause I was so anxious to leave after another boring day at work. I even had a reminder set up in our email software but our server has been having problems so I'm not able to keep the software open for very long. Some doctors around here charge you for missing an appointment so I hope I don't get fined, but it would serve me right.
I so needed to make it to that appointment too. I have some kind of inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD). We're still trying to figure out if it's Crohn's or Colitis. Things have been getting worse as of late. I don't really suffer from any pain luckily, but having this IBD is so inconvenient and annoying. For over a year I had to take enemas that required me to lay on my left side in a specific position for 30 minutes after taking it. Those eventually stopped being effective so my doctor has been trying me on other stuff including Prednesone which is a pretty scary drug. Amongst other things, prolonged use can lead to brittle bones. The dose he gave me was pretty minor and didn't make too much of a difference. For the last month I've been on a new enema that only requires me to lie on my stomach for 5 minutes after taking it. But they aren't working. I've also had a colonoscopy and a barium enema. The colonoscopy was cool cause I got to watch on the monitor, but the prep before hand - fasting and laxatives - was not fun at all. Oh if that last sentence bothers you, you should probably stop reading this blog entry right about..... now.
Some of my symptoms include loose stools and extreme urgency to my bowel movements. Well my worst fears happened when I was at work this past Friday. While I was rushing to the washroom I couldn't hold it any longer and I ended up going in my pants. I actually made it to the washroom so it didn't all end up in my pants. It could have been a lot worse than it was, but man was I ever upset. I practically started crying as I was trying to clean myself up. And well almost crying is a big deal for me since I haven't cried in nearly two years. I have never felt so helpless in my life. My underwear took the brunt of it so the only visible sign was a stain at the top of the back of my pants from when I took my pants off, and that could be covered by untucking my shirt. The underwear I threw in the garbage can so I could come back for them later with a plastic bag. It was 11:50 so I called home and got my dad to pick me up. I told my supervisor what happened and that I was taking the rest of the day off. His wife has Crohn's so I knew he'd understand. I felt like I was 5 years old again having to call home from school cause I had "an accident". What a brutal feeling for a 25 year old.
I had thought about posting this on Friday but I was way too upset to. I haven't even told anyone here what happened. Sorry if I grossed anyone out.
I so needed to make it to that appointment too. I have some kind of inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD). We're still trying to figure out if it's Crohn's or Colitis. Things have been getting worse as of late. I don't really suffer from any pain luckily, but having this IBD is so inconvenient and annoying. For over a year I had to take enemas that required me to lay on my left side in a specific position for 30 minutes after taking it. Those eventually stopped being effective so my doctor has been trying me on other stuff including Prednesone which is a pretty scary drug. Amongst other things, prolonged use can lead to brittle bones. The dose he gave me was pretty minor and didn't make too much of a difference. For the last month I've been on a new enema that only requires me to lie on my stomach for 5 minutes after taking it. But they aren't working. I've also had a colonoscopy and a barium enema. The colonoscopy was cool cause I got to watch on the monitor, but the prep before hand - fasting and laxatives - was not fun at all. Oh if that last sentence bothers you, you should probably stop reading this blog entry right about..... now.
Some of my symptoms include loose stools and extreme urgency to my bowel movements. Well my worst fears happened when I was at work this past Friday. While I was rushing to the washroom I couldn't hold it any longer and I ended up going in my pants. I actually made it to the washroom so it didn't all end up in my pants. It could have been a lot worse than it was, but man was I ever upset. I practically started crying as I was trying to clean myself up. And well almost crying is a big deal for me since I haven't cried in nearly two years. I have never felt so helpless in my life. My underwear took the brunt of it so the only visible sign was a stain at the top of the back of my pants from when I took my pants off, and that could be covered by untucking my shirt. The underwear I threw in the garbage can so I could come back for them later with a plastic bag. It was 11:50 so I called home and got my dad to pick me up. I told my supervisor what happened and that I was taking the rest of the day off. His wife has Crohn's so I knew he'd understand. I felt like I was 5 years old again having to call home from school cause I had "an accident". What a brutal feeling for a 25 year old.
I had thought about posting this on Friday but I was way too upset to. I haven't even told anyone here what happened. Sorry if I grossed anyone out.
Hang in there Matthew...I have just finished studying both those disorders (crohns and colitis). not an easy thing to say the least! I will be praying.
Anonymous, at 2:30 AM
I am praying for you Matthew. And I think it's cool that you posted about this. Very manly of you to 'fess up. I didn't laugh when I read it because I wouldn't want someone to read that about me and laugh. Rock on.
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM
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