Vacation Summary
"Official" Trip Expenses
Bus ticket - $104.86
Flight ticket - $465.84
Airport Shuttle - $13.95
Car Rental w/ insurance - $821.10
Health Insurance - $91.80
Gas - $270.22
Total - $1,767.77 CAD
Distances Travelled
By Bus - 390 km or 245 mi
By Air - 2400 km or 1500 mi
By Car - 4800 km or 3000 mi
Total - 7590 km or 4745 mi
Things I Learned
Bus ticket - $104.86
Flight ticket - $465.84
Airport Shuttle - $13.95
Car Rental w/ insurance - $821.10
Health Insurance - $91.80
Gas - $270.22
Total - $1,767.77 CAD
Distances Travelled
By Bus - 390 km or 245 mi
By Air - 2400 km or 1500 mi
By Car - 4800 km or 3000 mi
Total - 7590 km or 4745 mi
Things I Learned
- When being pulled over for speeding, don't take your seatbelt off until after the officer asks you for your driver's license.
- When taking a cold shower in Florida, you can actually run out of cold water and end up taking a luke-warm shower.
- Canadians make great chew toys.
- Even a motel/resort with Canada in it's name still flies an American flag outside.
- Ladder 49 is not a good movie
- Ocean beach sand makes cool swishing noises if you scuffle your feet in it.
- Map Quest does not provide perfect maps all the time.
- Mobile Alabama is pronounced as if you are saying automobile.
- Grits is corn ground into a white, flavorles pulp.
- Chik-fil-A should be a Canadian restaurant.
- I don't have "Canadian" tattooed to my forehead.
you mean, chick-fil-eh :-)
didn't you also learn that when you go to a small church in indiana, everyone stares at the canadian?:-P
and most importantly was it worth $1767.77 and 7590 km??
Anonymous, at 11:02 PM
Tell Bugsy I miss him too Alaina and the trip was definitely worth it Katie. :D
Clemster, at 9:10 AM
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