A Beginning
Well hello! Welcome to my blog!
My name is Matthew. You're probably wondering where I got the nickname Clemster. Well one of my middle names is Clemente and one summer while counseling at a church camp I went by Clem which got turned into "The Clemster" one day while playing soccer in the rain. Friends in highschool also started calling me Clemente cause I've always liked the name and if someone shouts "Clemente!" in a crowded hallway I know they mean me. Matthew just isn't as unique if you know what I mean. Too many words rhyme/sound like Matthew or Matt. As for what to call me I don't mind any variation of Matthew. I've been called everything from Matt, Matty, Matticus, ... take your pic, it's totally up to you. Clem or Clemmy works too. =D
Hmmm... what to say about myself. I'm 25 and live in Sudbury Ontario Canada. That's about 4.5 hrs North-West of Toronto for those of you who don't know Ontario geography. I just got my Bachelor of Computer Science with honours from Laurentian University here in Sudbury. I'm quite excited to be officially done now. My last class was back in December and I've been working as a database programmer for the public school board here in town. Not the most exciting of jobs but it helps get the loan payments done on time.
I am a Christian with Baptist tendencies. My faith is expressed best with a guitar in my hand and a mic in front of my mouth. Just please don't make me go on stage without my guitar cause I never know what to do with my hands. ;) I'm not a big clapper, or hand waver, or anything like that.
I'm so not a morning person which is rough since I work from 8-4 during the week. You'd think after fourth months at the board office I'd be used to getting up at 6:30 to get ready for work.... but I'm not. Ugh.
I tend towards the introverted side of the personality spectrum but I definitely enjoy people. I'm just not one for small talk. Generally I can't stand it so it gets awkward when strangers wanna start a conversation with me on the bus. And it also makes it awkward for me to approach strangers. Platitudes can be so annoying at times.
In my spare time I'm usually here, sitting in my room in front of my computer surfing the web, chatting, playing games, or watching movies. Otherwise I'll be playing my guitar, reading a fantasy novel (I'm reading through the Wheel of Time series again at the moment) or hanging with friends.
Well I guess that's enough to start off my brand-spankin-new blog. I still have to play with my profile settings and stuff. Catch you l8r.
In Him,
My name is Matthew. You're probably wondering where I got the nickname Clemster. Well one of my middle names is Clemente and one summer while counseling at a church camp I went by Clem which got turned into "The Clemster" one day while playing soccer in the rain. Friends in highschool also started calling me Clemente cause I've always liked the name and if someone shouts "Clemente!" in a crowded hallway I know they mean me. Matthew just isn't as unique if you know what I mean. Too many words rhyme/sound like Matthew or Matt. As for what to call me I don't mind any variation of Matthew. I've been called everything from Matt, Matty, Matticus, ... take your pic, it's totally up to you. Clem or Clemmy works too. =D
Hmmm... what to say about myself. I'm 25 and live in Sudbury Ontario Canada. That's about 4.5 hrs North-West of Toronto for those of you who don't know Ontario geography. I just got my Bachelor of Computer Science with honours from Laurentian University here in Sudbury. I'm quite excited to be officially done now. My last class was back in December and I've been working as a database programmer for the public school board here in town. Not the most exciting of jobs but it helps get the loan payments done on time.
I am a Christian with Baptist tendencies. My faith is expressed best with a guitar in my hand and a mic in front of my mouth. Just please don't make me go on stage without my guitar cause I never know what to do with my hands. ;) I'm not a big clapper, or hand waver, or anything like that.
I'm so not a morning person which is rough since I work from 8-4 during the week. You'd think after fourth months at the board office I'd be used to getting up at 6:30 to get ready for work.... but I'm not. Ugh.
I tend towards the introverted side of the personality spectrum but I definitely enjoy people. I'm just not one for small talk. Generally I can't stand it so it gets awkward when strangers wanna start a conversation with me on the bus. And it also makes it awkward for me to approach strangers. Platitudes can be so annoying at times.
In my spare time I'm usually here, sitting in my room in front of my computer surfing the web, chatting, playing games, or watching movies. Otherwise I'll be playing my guitar, reading a fantasy novel (I'm reading through the Wheel of Time series again at the moment) or hanging with friends.
Well I guess that's enough to start off my brand-spankin-new blog. I still have to play with my profile settings and stuff. Catch you l8r.
In Him,
Nice blog. I dig it. With a shovel.
Live long and blog.
God bless,
Anonymous, at 1:34 AM
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